Study of Radiation Properties in Taylor Distribution Uniform Spaced Backfire Antenna Arrays

Autor: Amer Tawfeeq Abed
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications. 2:23
ISSN: 2376-5968
Popis: This paper is the last part in studying the directivity for Linear Long Backfire Antenna arrays, the research will focus on another type of non linear excitation (Taylor )excitation uniform space long backfire antenna array especially the directivity and SLL max (side lobe level maximum )properties of the radiation patterns and plot the relation between the length of the arrays and the directivity. The effect of excitation coefficients values for all elements in the arrays on radiation properties will be studied in all types of non uniform excitation arrays. At last the directivity and SLL for three types of non uniform distribution (Taylor, Chebyshev and Binomial) will be compered .
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