Performance Development of 400cc Small Engine Intake Port

Autor: Yun-Seo Park, Doo-Seuk Choi, Ju-Hyung Lee, Pyung-Woo Shin, Sung-Young Park
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 13:977-985
ISSN: 1975-4701
DOI: 10.5762/kais.2012.13.3.977
Popis: Performance optimization of a small engine intake port has been studied through computational and experimental approach. Port angle, flange area and port shape are very important design parameters affecting performance of an intake port. Especially, radius of curvature of intake port inner surface has major effect on the flow coefficient of an intake port. As increasing port angle and flange area, flow coefficient is increased because pressure distribution and pressure gradient in the intake port are improved. Even though computational results over-predict maximum 8% compared with experimental result, they describe the tendency of flow coefficient according to the design parameters. Optimized intake port shows about 4.5% improved flow performance. Key Words : Intake Port, Small Engine, Flow Coefficient, Flow Simulation * 교신저자 : Sung-Young ParkTel: +82-10-5409-6450 e-mail:접수일 11년 11월 29일 수정일 (1차 12년 02월 06일, 2차 12년 03월 02일) 게재확정일 12년 03월 08일
Databáze: OpenAIRE