Bopopia parviflora Munzinger & J. R. Morel 2021, gen. et sp. nov

Autor: Morel, J��r��mie, Duminil, J��r��me, Munzinger, J��r��me
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4578336
Popis: Bopopia parviflora Munzinger & J.R.Morel gen. et sp. nov. Figs 2���7 Diagnosis Bopopia parviflora gen. et sp. nov. is similar to Coronanthera clarkeana Schltr., C. deltoidifolia Vieill. ex C.B.Clarke, C. pinguior C.B.Clarke and Depanthus glaber in its glabrous adaxial leaf surface but differs in its unique inflorescence structure within the tribe and also vegetatively in leaf measurements, blade, apex and base shape, margin (entire vs serrate), and abaxial indumentum, as well as petiole length and indumentum (Table 2). Etymology The specific epithet refers to the small flowers as compared to other Gesneriaceae known from New Caledonia. Type NEW CALEDONIA ��� North Province, Bopope, southern slope of Mount ���Kantalupaik��� [Katalupaik]; 20��50���27��� S, 165��0���38��� E; alt. 500 m; 29 Oct. 2017; fl.; J. Munzinger, D. Bruy & M. Pignal 7980; holotype: P[P01073391]; isotypes: G, MO, MPU[MPU312888][MPU312889], NOU[NOU090953], P[P00865080], W. Paratype NEW CALEDONIA ��� North Province, Bopope, southern slope of Mount ���Kantalupaik��� [Katalupaik]; 20��50���28��� S, 165��0���38��� E; alt. 500 m; 29 Oct. 2017; fl.; D. Bruy, J. Munzinger, & M. Pignal 1139; K, MO, MPU[MPU311450][MPU312887], NOU[NOU090952], P[P01073272]. Description Shrub up to 5 m tall, rarely branched. Twigs all orthotropous (Fig. 3A) green to red (Fig. 3B), angular and tomentulose, simple pluricellular trichomes appressed toward the apex, terminal vegetative bud densely tomentulose. Leaves opposite and decussate; clustered at the top of branches (Fig. 3A); blade (9.1���)10���15.6(���19.8) �� (4���)4.5���6.5(���8.2) cm, elliptic to obovate, dark green above (Fig. 3C, E), pale green below (in vivo; Fig. 3G), glabrous adaxially, tomentulose abaxially, base cuneate, apex acute to obtuse, margin slightly serrate, lateral veins (3���)4(���5) per side. Petiole yellow (in vivo; Fig. 3B, G), (25���)30���46(���62) mm long, (1���)1.6���2.2(���2.7) mm wide, tomentulose. Inflorescence axillary, indeterminate thyrse, with ultimate axes being pair-flowered cymes (Fig. 4), and inferior axes being indeterminate thyrses; three to five levels of branching (Figs 2, 3B), axes tomentulose, (12���)15���32(���38) flowers per inflorescence, with peduncle / first axis (17���)32���61(���72) mm long, (0.5���)0.8���1.2(���1.3) mm wide, tomentulose. Second axis 10���23(���32) mm long, 0.3���0.7(���1) mm wide, bracteoles linear, (2.5���)3���4.2(���4.5) mm long; third axis 3���11(���14) mm long, (0.2���)0.3���0.5(���0.6) mm wide, bracteoles linear, (1.5���)1.9���2.6(���2.8) mm long, pedicels 1.5���6.5 mm long. Calyx with 5 equal lobes, sepals broadly triangular, (1.2���)1.4���1.8(���2) mm long, 0.4���0.5 mm wide at base, slightly connate at the base and attenuate at apex (Figs 3F, 5 B���C), tomentulose outside and glabrous inside (Fig. 5C), the lobes not exceeding 25% of the total length of the calyx (Fig. 3F, 5 B���C). Corolla zygomorphic, uniformly white, shortly ventricose, tube curved, (2.2���)2.6���3.6(���4.1) mm long, limb of five inequal oval to orbicular lobes, rounded, strongly curled outwards, the median lobe ca 1.5 �� 1.3 mm, the two lateral lobes ca 1.0 �� 1.0 mm, the two dorsal lobes ca 0.5 �� 0.6 mm; outer surface of corolla tomentulose, inner surface of corolla glabrous (Fig. 5D). Androecium, four stamens, inserted, alternating with corolla lobes, subequal (Fig. 5D); filaments broad, 0.1 mm in diameter, flattened near the base, glabrous, adnate to the base of the corolla tube for 1���2 mm (Fig. 5D); four anthers connate, flat, irregularly cordiform (Fig. 5 D���E), pollen spheroidal, 11���14 ��m. Nectary ring-shaped, ca 0.25 mm thick, continuous or with shallow lobes at the rim, pinkish (preserved in alcohol), adnate at the base of the ovary (Fig. 5C). Gynoecium ovoid, ca 1 �� 1 mm, pubescent, bicarpellate, bilocular, style short, ca 0.15 mm long, ca 0.4 mm wide, stigma bilobed (Fig. 5C); ovules numerous (ca 50), ellipsoid, 100���130 ��m long. Fruit unknown. Distribution The new species is presently only known from the North Province of New Caledonia���s main island Grande Terre, on the south flank of Mt Katalupaik, around 500 m a.s.l. (Fig. 7), about 17 km as the crow flies south of Hiengh��ne. Habitat and ecology The plants occur in dense humid forests from low to medium elevations on volcano-sedimentary substrates (Jaffr�� et al. 2012). Collecting points projected on the geological map (Gouvernement de la Nouvelle- Cal��donie 2019) fall in a wide area of black siltites surrounded by basalts, dolerites, undifferentiated gabbros or fine tuffs. They are quite far from serpentine veins (ultramafic) in that area; thus the species is considered to grow on non-ultramafic substrates. Individuals of B. parviflora gen. et sp. nov. were observed to be relatively abundant in the valley that was explored (~ 100 m wide). Additional surveys are needed in the surrounding valleys. Phenology Plants collected in flower in October 2017.The length of the flowering time and the period of fructification are currently unknown. Conservation status Bopopia parviflora gen. et sp. nov. is only known from one population corresponding to a single location sensu IUCN (2019), and was estimated to contain
Published as part of Morel, J��r��mie, Duminil, J��r��me & Munzinger, J��r��me, 2021, Bopopia, a new monotypic genus of Gesneriaceae (Gesnerioideae, Coronanthereae) from New Caledonia, pp. 82-101 in European Journal of Taxonomy 736 on pages 88-92, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.736.1253,
{"references":["Woo V. L. 2007. Evolution, Biogeography and Taxonomy of the Southwest Pacific Tribe Coronanthereae (Gesneriaceae). PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.","Jaffre T., Rigault F. & Munzinger J. 2012. La vegetation. In: Bonvallot J., Gay J. - C. & Habert E. (eds) Atlas de la Nouvelle-Caledonie: 77 - 80. IRD-Congres de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, Marseille-Noumea.","IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee. 2019. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from http: // www. iucnredlist. org / documents / RedListGuidelines. pdf [accessed 27 Jan. 2021]."]}
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