Verruciform xanthoma of the tongue : A case report

Autor: Hiroshi Takeshima, Hosaku Sumida, Ken Ashizawa, Yoshifumi Tazima, Yasuhiko Hiranuma, Yoshiro Yamamoto, Nobuo Utsumi, Mitsuyoshi Eba, T Shimazaki
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 33:437-441
ISSN: 2186-1579
Popis: Verruciform Xanthoma with histopathological characteristics of verruciform growth and the proliferation of xanthoma cell in the lamina propria was first described in 1971 by Shafer as Histiocytosis-Y. Though occasionally reported later in occidental countries, this disease is relatively rare. Especially in Japan this disease is rarely documented. The gingiva is a common site of occurrence. Those occurring in the tongue or buccal mucosa are very rare. Recently we encountered a 64-year-old woman with this disease in the left lateral margin of the tongue.
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