Binary mixtures of pyrethroids produce differential effects on Ca2+ influx and glutamate release at isolated presynaptic nerve terminals from rat brain

Autor: Richard K. Frisbie, J. Marshall Clark, Hilliary E. Hodgdon, Steven B. Symington
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 99:131-139
ISSN: 0048-3575
Popis: Isolated rat brain synaptosomes were used to evaluate the action of pyrethroid mixtures on Ca 2+ influx and subsequent glutamate release under depolarizing conditions. In equipotent binary mixtures at their respective and/or estimated EC 50 s with deltamethrin always as one of the two components, cismethrin, λ-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, esfenvalerate and permethrin were additive and S -bioallethrin, fenpropathrin and tefluthrin were less-than-additive on Ca 2+ influx. In binary mixtures with deltamethrin always as one of the two components, esfenvalerate, permethrin and tefluthrin were additive and λ-cyhalothrin was less-than-additive on glutamate release. Binary mixture of S -bioallethrin and cismethrin was additive for both Ca 2+ influx and glutamate release. Only a subset of pyrethroids ( S- bioallethrin, cismethrin, cypermethrin, and fenpropathrin) in binary mixtures with deltamethrin caused a more-than-additive effect on glutamate release. These binary mixtures were, however, only additive (cismethrin and cypermethrin) or less-than-additive ( S- bioallethrin and fenpropathrin) on Ca 2+ influx. Therefore, increased glutamate release evoked by this subset of pyrethroids in binary mixture with deltamethrin is not entirely occurring by Ca 2+ -dependent mechanisms via their action at voltage-sensitive calcium channels. These results suggest that pyrethroids do not share a common mode of toxicity at presynaptic nerve terminals from rat brain and appear to affect multiple target sites, including voltage-sensitive calcium, chloride and sodium channels.
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