Civil legal method of protection of intellectual property rights

Autor: Svitlychnyy Oleksandr, O M Korotun
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Law. Human. Environment. 12
ISSN: 2663-1369
Popis: The article draws attention to the specifics of protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine by civil and special legislation, the rules of which are designed to protect the subjective rights of right holders and other participants in legal relations in the field of intellectual property. Some aspects of the legal nature of jurisdictional remedies are studied. Attention is paid to the specifics of protection of intellectual property rights by civil law, which consists primarily in the methods of protection provided by procedural law. The legislation, the norms of which guarantee the protection of intellectual property and the ways of protection of civil rights are outlined. The existing in the legal literature different views on the classification of methods of protection of property rights are analyzed. The legal analysis of the application of the vindication claim as a means of protection of intellectual property rights is carried out and the author's proposals are formulated. Keywords: civil law, intellectual property, lawsuit, protection
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