The 19F(3He, 6Li)16O reaction at 40 MeV

Autor: C.E. Moss, C. Detraz, C.S. Zaidins, C.D. Zafiratos
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Nuclear Physics A. 167:337-351
ISSN: 0375-9474
Popis: The 19 F( 3 He, 6 Li) 16 O reaction has been studied at 40.7 MeV from θ lab = 5° to 170°. Excitation functions have been measured at 20°, 70° and 165°. The reaction mechanism is found to be predominantly direct, except at backward angles where a compound-nucleus process dominates. Zero-range DWBA calculations fail to account for the shape of the angular distributions. The role of finite-range effects is discussed, and satisfactory fits to the angular distributions are obtained by assuming a fixed-range interaction between the 3 He and the transferred triton-like fragment. Because of the observed selective population of the 16 O excited states, several conclusions about their multi-particle-multi-hole structure can be derived. In particular, a test of current shell-model wave functions is provided for the low-lying excited states, and the role of P 3 2 −1 configurations is pointed out.
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