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Die Septemberwahl des Jahres 1927 bedeutete einen wesentlichen Schritt in Richtung auf die Konsolidierung nicht nur des Parteiensystems sondern des politischen Systems wie des Freistaats uberhaupt. Ein zeitgenossischer Beobachter kommentierte den Wahlkampf recht wohlwollend: “So far as political activity was concerned, this election eclipsed all others. Never had the Irish people been so continuously bombarded with oral and written propaganda. Incidentally, much of the newspaper advertising was well written and showed the right tendency to appeal to the intellect rather than to the emotions. True enough, there was plenty of balderash. But it was encouraging to note the absence of violence or disorder, and to learn that there was only an inconsiderable amount of corruption quite a contrast to Irish elections of yore. It was rather strange to hear Fianna Fail candidates attack the governor-general, calling him ‘the puppet in Phoenix Park’; for in the other self-governing dominions this official is accepted as is the king in England. But it must be remembered that the parliamentary tradition has not yet become deeply rooted in Ireland, and too much must not be expected of the Free State in so short a time. Needless to say, great strides have been made toward orderly and efficient government, and the student of political institutions has much to learn from Free State administration” (Pollock 1928: 156). |