The Expressivity of Quantified Group Announcements

Autor: Natasha Alechina, Hans van Ditmarsch, Tim French, Rustam Galimullin
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Logic and Computation.
ISSN: 1465-363X
Popis: Group announcement logic (GAL) and coalition announcement logic (CAL) allow us to reason about whether it is possible for groups and coalitions of agents to achieve their desired epistemic goals through truthful public communication. The difference between groups and coalitions in such a context is that the latter make their announcements in the presence of possible adversarial counter-announcements. As epistemic goals may involve some agents remaining ignorant, counter-announcements may preclude coalitions from reaching their goals. We study the relative expressivity of GAL and CAL and provide some results involving their more well-known sibling APAL. We also discuss how the presence of memory alters the relationship between groups and coalition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE