The Effect of Elite Cues on the Anti-Prejudice Norm

Autor: Valentim, Vicente, Chua, John Je En, Dinas, Elias, Ziblatt, Daniel
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: The goal of this study is to assess whether elite cues from politicians alter public perceptions about the strength of the social norm against prejudice. In particular, we are interested in whether respondents exposed to xenophobic cues from mainstream politicians or radical right politicians have a weaker perception of the anti-prejudice norm, compared to those exposed to a control condition (cues on an unrelated topic). To study this, we field an original survey with two embedded experiments to a sample of 2000 respondents from the German population. We examine three different facets of norm perception: i) personal willingness to violate the anti-prejudice norm, ii) perception about the empirical behavior and normative beliefs of others with respect to the anti-prejudice norm, iii) willingness to sanction violators of the anti-prejudice norm.
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