Estimation and Analysis of Genetic Association Between Important External and Internal Egg Quality Traits in White Leghorns

Autor: Pradeepta Kumar Rath, Prasanna Kumar Mishra, Pratikshya Panda, N.C. Behura, Bandi Kumar Mallick
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Research. 6:269
ISSN: 2277-940X
Popis: Under this study, it has been aimed to determine the genetic correlations for different external and internal egg quality traits. The eggs were collected form 548 progenies (1 egg from each progeny) of 282 dams mated to 47 sires of a White Leghorn flock at Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO), Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar, Government of India. Full-sib method of analysis was adopted to estimate the existing genetic correlations among different egg quality traits. Egg weight was found to have statistically significant (p
Databáze: OpenAIRE