Pure and intentionally doped indium phosphide wafers treated by long time annealing at high temperatures

Autor: Pavel Hlídek, K. Zdansky, L. Pekarek
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Semiconductor Science and Technology. 18:938-944
ISSN: 1361-6641
Popis: High-purity InP crystals were grown by the liquid encapsulated Czochralski method from undoped InP melt and from the melt doped with Ca, Zn, Fe or Mn or co-doped with Ti and Zn. Wafers from the grown crystals were annealed in phosphorus ambient for 95 h at 950 °C and cooled slowly. Conversion to the semi-insulating state by annealing was studied by temperature-dependent Hall measurements and low-temperature optical absorption spectroscopy. The undoped samples with electron concentration below 1 × 1016 cm−3 became semi-insulating due to the decreasing content of shallow donors and the increasing content of the active Fe2+ deep acceptors. The narrow absorption line of hydrogen vibrations in the complex VInH4 disappeared after annealing and three new narrow lines appeared instead. Besides, new lines appeared which were interpreted as due to Fe2+ featured by a nearby lattice defect. The n-type InP lightly doped with Zn became semi-insulating due to the formation of a new deep acceptor level at 0.33 eV below the conduction band edge.
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