Anomalous Transport Through Thin Disordered Layers

Autor: S. F. Burlatsky, G. S. Oshanin, A. I. Chernoutsan
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Electron-Electron Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors ISBN: 9783540542483
Popis: A wide variety of superconductive and semiconductive technique problem lead to the investigation of conductivity of disordered thin layers. This problem may be reduced via Einstein relation to the description of particles diffusion in corresponding inhomogeneous media. Since the disordered thin layers are the mesoscopic objects it is natural to expect the correlation effects to be of crucial importance in such systems. The results of some recent experimental studies [1–2] indicate that the transfer processes in spatially inhomogeneous thin layers are supported by the rare random channel (which occur due to the fluctuations in the spatial distribution of inhomogeneities) with anomalously high conductivity. In this paper we present the theoretical investigation of such fluctuation effects in disordered thin layers within the framework of diffusion through thin inhomogeneous membrane [3–4].
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