Autor: I. N. Vlasova, E. O. Novikova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology. 6:74-87
ISSN: 2413-1709
DOI: 10.37279/2413-1709-2020-6-4-74-87
Popis: Modern society has features such as rapidly changing conditions and a large amount of information. In this regard, each person should be able to realize and formulate a problem in a short time, study new information, determine the purpose of the activity and the necessary actions to achieve it, evaluate the result and, if necessary, return to the intended actions and make adjustments. The formation of these skills does not occur spontaneously. In this regard, the federal state educational standard of general education includes a new group of educational results – meta-subject [1, 2]. Therefore, each educational institution should ensure a phased, purposeful development of the declared groups of skills (regulatory, communicative and cognitive) at each level of education. The above skills are included in the group of design skills and are fixed in the program for the development of universal educational activities. In the approximate main educational program of basic general education, it is determined that the protection of an individual project is considered as the main procedure for diagnosing the metomaterial outcomes being sluggish. Therefore, of particular importance when working with students are design forms and methods of work [3]. There are many scientific works devoted to the use of the project method in education, in which various approaches to the definition of the educational project, types of projects, and stages of their implementation are considered. However, not enough attention was paid to the problem of the systemic formation of project skills, in this regard, based on an analysis of the interdisciplinary programs “Fundamentals of Project and Research Activities”, psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to highlight the necessary stages of the formation of project skills. During the study, three necessary stages of the formation of design skills were distinguished, which differ not only in the depth of development of the corresponding skills, but also in the expediency of using certain means due to the age characteristics of students. So for students in grades 5-7 it is recommended to use design tasks, which are considered as a prototype of design activity. Students of grades 7-8 are offered group projects, and in the ninth grade, it is necessary to switch to individual projects. Based on the age characteristics of schoolchildren for fifth graders, it is advisable to continue the elementary school line – solving project tasks, but not offering students an ordered system of tasks, but an unordered set when children have to build their own “strategy” for solving the problem [12, 15]. Therefore, at the first stage in a primary school in grades 5-6, it is advisable to leave the project task as a means of developing project skills. In the sixth grade, there should be a transition to tasks in which tasks are not explicitly identified, their establishment in the general context of the project task rests with the students themselves. This form of the design task is closest to the design activity. During the study, the design task “Travel Company ″Everest″ was developed and tested for students in grades 6-7. It consisted of three main objects: a quasial situation with a problem situation. “In the travel company Everest, consumer activity has decreased over the past year. It was decided that in order to attract tourists it is necessary to change the previously developed tours to demonstrate to customers”; an unordered set of tasks necessary to resolve a problem situation; final task – a project that solves the problem fixed in the situation. Monitoring the activities of sixth grade students in the course of solving this project task showed that students easily distribute roles among themselves, find different sources of information, including using search engines; correctly fill out tables, build charts. However, adolescents had difficulty when it was necessary to draw up an action plan to solve the project task, also when determining the main and secondary information in the loan agreement. At the stage of reflection, schoolchildren were not always able to evaluate their activities and argue the reasons for the achievement or absence of the planned result. In the course of solving the system of design tasks, students in grades 5-6 develop the following skills: Reflect (see the problem, difficulties, errors; perform an analysis — why it turned out or failed) under the guidance of a teacher; set and hold goals; plan (draw up a plan of their activities); to model (work and make diagrams, tables) under the guidance of a teacher; communicate (interact in solving the problem, defend their position). The second stage is the main one (the end of the 6th grade to the middle of the 8th grade), at which students of the main school continue to solve design problems. For this adolescence, a manifestation of a “sense of adulthood” is characteristic, in connection with this it is necessary to create a variety of educational environments where students can express themselves by taking on new roles. The present project activity takes its leading place in the basic school, starting from the 7th grade. By the end of this stage, control and evaluation actions, as well as actions for the distribution of roles and retention of goals, are reaching an independent level; actions to search and process information; we can talk about the formation of the ability to work with text. The third stage is the final one, at which there is a transition from group projects of different ages to individual ones. For students in grades 8-9, communication is of particular importance, it is noted that a teenager needs communication as an independent sphere of life. At this stage, the student is more willing to independently carry out project activities. The nature of the projects should be related to pre-profile preparation, i.e. with such areas as science, art, journalism, marketing, advertising, etc. Thus, the formation of design skills in students of the primary school will be successful if the following conditions are met: — continuity of forms and techniques in the organization of project activities, namely the project task — group projects — individual projects; — in the program for the formation of universal educational actions, the levels of formation of design skills for students of the 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th grades are fixed; — educators have a common understanding of the basics of design activities, design tasks, training projects and methods for their organization; — the educational institution monitors meta-subject results of the development of the main educational program, including corrective measures.
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