Diagnose eines Multiplen Myeloms durch den Nachweis von Plasmazellen in der bronchoalveolären Lavage

Autor: Merker Hj, Burkhardt O, Tobias Welte, Dickgreber Nj, Bühling F, N Waldburg
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift. 128:1951-1954
ISSN: 1439-4413
Popis: HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS A 61-year-old man was transferred from a peripheral hospital with the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease and an unclear mediastinal tumour. At the time of admission the patient had congestive heart disease NYHA class IV. INVESTIGATIONS The echocardiogram showed a small left ventricle with concentric hypertrophy and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 35 %. The myocardium was relatively echo-rich with solid structures inside. Chest X-ray showed a massive rightsided pleural effusion. The abdominal ultrasound demonstrated ascites and hepatomegaly. The bronchoalveolar lavage showed an increased part of CD3 negative and CD16/CD56 positive cells, which were identified as plasma cells by light and electron microscopy. Aspiration and investigation of the bone marrow verified the diagnosis of a IgG multiple myeloma, highly differentiated characterised by monoclonal expression of light-lambda chains. Additionally Bence-Jones-proteins were found in the urine and osteolysis in the x-ray of the skull and the humerus. DIAGNOSIS Multiple myeloma, IgG-lambda, stage IIA. THERAPY AND CLINICAL COURSE Chemotherapy with prednisolone and melphalan was initiated. His general condition increased after administration of the first cycle of chemotherapy. CONCLUSION Cardiopulmonary involvement is seldom seen in multiple myeloma but should be excluded when clinical symptoms are present.
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