Force Protection Evaluation for Combat Aircraft Crews

Autor: Joel Williamsen, Torger J. Anderson
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2007-2139
Popis: A methodology is proposed to improve the fidelity of survivability and vulnerability analyses so tha t crew casualty risks can be assessed and the aircraft survivability can be more accurately determined. The evaluation of personnel casualties is beyond the scope of most current aircraft survivability analyses; existing methodologies consider only immedia te vulnerabilities of critical crewmembers, primarily in the context of loss of aircraft or loss of mission capabilities. Programs also typically consider survivability only in or just beyond the threat area; risks related to airborne egress or abnormal ai rcraft recovery events are not considered. The analyses can be expanded to encompass both of these issues, the limitations being those of available data to provide a statistical foundation. This, however, only further emphasizes the need for careful and th orough uncertainty assessments based on analysis assumptions, both to identify the main factors driving the survivability as well as those that affect the validity of the analysis. This effort should be a significant part of current survivability evaluatio ns. The methodology is explained and the benefits and analysis issues are discussed.
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