Autor: A. V. Zakharov, V. V. Yakovlev, Z. E. Ostrovskii, A. A. Khudyakov, V. D. Risovanyi
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Atomic Energy. 92:124-128
ISSN: 1063-4258
Popis: The purpose of this work was to investigate the structural state and composition of an SBYa alloy (with natural boron content 1.5%) after prolonged (31 yr) operation in a VK-50 reactor up to complete 10B burnup. It was found that as a result of irradiation the impact viscosity of the alloy decreased from 29 to 12–20 J/cm2. The two-phase structure of the alloy and the elemental composition of the phases after irradiation remained unchanged. As a result of the formation of helium pores in both phases, the alloy density decreased by 5.1%. Two types of operational damage to the alloy were discovered: cracking and focal corrosion on surfaces in contact with water. It was shown that the corrosion resistance of the boron-containing phase is lower than that of the austenite phase.
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