The Coordinated Use of Tandem Mass Spectrometry and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Structure Identification of the Kedarcidin Chromophore

Autor: Edward H. Kerns, Daniel R. Schroeder, John E. Leet, Kevin J. Volk, Steven E. Klohr, Ira E. Rosenberg, Mike S. Lee
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 31:1253-1260
ISSN: 1096-9888
Popis: Structure identification strategies for kedarcidin chromophore are described using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and high-resolution MS techniques. The strategy involves dividing a large, complex natural product molecule into several smaller molecules (substructures) to simplify identification. Substructures are generated using the full-scan MS and MS/MS product ion scan modes. The relationship between substructures, or mass spectral connectivity, is subsequently established using the MS/MS precursor scan mode. Similar to the assembly of a picture puzzle, the structural borders are defined using accurate mass measurements providing molecular formulas of the various substructure molecules. An iterative application of this substructure analysis scheme provides greater substructural detail facilitating identification.
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