Use of a world wide web page in an introductory electrical power and controls course

Autor: T.L. Skvarenina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings Frontiers in Education 1997 27th Annual Conference. Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change.
DOI: 10.1109/fie.1997.636036
Popis: In the past three years, the world wide web (WWW) has grown faster than even Bill Gates ever imagined. As the web has grown it has also became easier to create materials for the web. While it originally took a great deal of expertise to create a home page, now anyone with a current version of a major word processor can create one. This in turn has opened the door to the routine use of the WWW for instructional purposes. This paper describes the author's experience using a WWW homepage to assist his students in an introductory electrical power and controls course. It starts with a short discussion of available software and the software he chose, then describes the material that was posted to the WWW for the students including examples, and concludes with a short discussion of student reaction to the homepage.
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