Report to ITA Working Group on Maintenance and Repair of underground structures: State-of-the-art of non-destructive testing methods for determining the state of a tunnel lining

Autor: J. Schreyer, A. Haack, G. Jackel
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 10:413-431
ISSN: 0886-7798
DOI: 10.1016/0886-7798(95)00030-3
Popis: This report describes various methods of non-destructive testing for tunnel linings, based on information presented to and contributed by members of the ITA Working Group on Maintenance and Repair ofTunnels. The report defines the requirements for non- destructive testing metluxis, and briefly describes and compares various methods, including mechanical oscillation techniques, radiation techniques, electric and electronic techniques, and optical techniques. Georadar, thermography and multispectral analysis, as applied for high-speed investigation work, are considered in detail. The authors discaas results of teste performed by the German research organisation STUVA, relating to rapid inspection of tunnel linings. The report includes descriptions ofthe types ofinvestigations carried out in eight countries. l?~umA--Cet article d~crit diverses m~thodes d" essais non destructifs pour les rev@tements de tunnels, ba~es sur des informations fournies et diecut~es par lea membres du groupe de travail de I'AITES "Maintenance et r~paration des tunnels." Le rapport d~finit les spdcificatione relatives aug m~thodes d'essais non destructifs, et d~crit bri~vement, en les comparant, diverses m~thodes ineluant, les techniques bas~es sur les oscillations ~niques, lea radiations, ainsi que les m~thodes ~lectriques, ~lectroniques et optiques. Les analyses par g~oradar, thermographie et multispectrales, appliqu~es pour les trauaux de reconnaissances rapides, sont examinees dana le d~tail. Les auteurs discutent des r~sultats d'essais rdalis~s par la STUVA, organisme de recherche allemand, portant sur l'inapection rapide des rev@tements des tunnels. La rapport comporte des descriptions des types d'investigatione conduites dane huit pays.
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