Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Co-Morbidities Among Teens in Treatment: SASSI-A3 Correlations in Screening Scores

Autor: Scarlett L. Baker, Kristin Sue Kimmell, Nelson J. Tiburcio
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. 10:10
ISSN: 2328-7837
Popis: This article presents an overview of a study investigating the co-occurrence of teen mental health and substance use disorders. These co-morbidities have proven problematic and difficult to treat and/or identify in this population. The data for this study was collected as part of The SASSI Institute’s third iteration of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-A3). A total of 515 teenagers in treatment, whose cases consisted of a valid and complete SASSI-A3, DSM-5 diagnostic evaluation, and client demographics, served as the dataset for the present study. Specifically, we focused on the frequencies of mental health diagnoses alongside a DSM-5 diagnosis of substance use disorder for teens who were seeking treatment for substance misuse issues. All participant cases were provided by clinicians working in service settings throughout the U.S. Census Regions (Northeast, Midwest, South, West). These professionals served in a variety of venues including substance use treatment and criminal justice programs, community corrections, private clinical practices, behavioral health centers, and social service organizations. All clinicians were qualified SASSI users who administered the SASSI-A3 via the SASSI Institute’s SUD web-based screening application. Substance abuse in teens can often be a sign of an attempt to self-medicate an untreated mental health disorder. Identifying possible correlations between SASSI-A3 scale scores and diagnosed mental health disorders, depression and anxiety in particular, can enable clinicians to direct the course of subsequent clinical interviews, and further assessments needed early in the counseling relationship.
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