La Casa de la Contratación de Indias: gestión, expedición y control documental (siglos XVI-XVII)

Autor: Francisco Fernández López
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Relaciones Estudios de Historia y Sociedad. 36:169-193
ISSN: 2448-7554
DOI: 10.24901/rehs.v36i144.48
Popis: This article presents a synthesis of procedures at the Casa de la Contratacion in The Indies related to decision-making and the issuing and control of documents. Also, it analyzes the structure, functioning and competencies of the Chamber of Government and the Accounting office (Sala de Gobierno and Contaduria), two organs within that institution responsible for –respectively– resolving matters brought before it and elaborating and registering the documents issued.
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