Design and implementation of a bottomfish fishery-independent survey in the main Hawaiian Islands

Autor: Richards, Benjamin (Benjamin L.), Smith, Steven G. (Steven Glen), Ault, Jerald S., DiNardo, Gerard T., Kobayashi, Donald R., Domokos, Reka, Anderson, Jeff, Taylor, Jeremy C., Misa, William, Giuseffi, Louise, Rollo, Audrey, Merritt, Daniel, Drazen, Jeffrey C., Clarke, M. E. (M. Elizabeth), Tam, Clayward
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.7289/v5rr1w87
Popis: Commercial and recreational fishing are important to the economy and culture of Hawaii. The deep-slope bottomfish commercial fishery preferentially targets seven high value 'Deep-7' species (i.e, six snappers and one grouper, hereafter referred to as bottomfish). The NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) Stock Assessment Program is responsible for regularly conducting assessments of bottomfish. The stock assessment process requires reliable time-series of catches, fishing effort and life history demographics to estimate stock abundance trends and evaluate sustainability benchmarks. Current bottomfish stock assessments that rely solely on fishery-dependent abundance indices may be biased (Ault et al., 2014). A series of workshops convened in 2001-2005 evaluated existing bottomfish stock assessment methodologies in the Pacific Islands Region (PIR; Mace et al., 2001; Ralston et al., 2004). Mace et al. (2001) noted that the greatest impediment to credible bottomfish stock assessments was the lack of accurate and precise input data. To improve abundance estimates, Ralston et al. (2004) recommended development of a fishery-independent survey using available 'advanced technologies'. A 2005 workshop on Ecosystem Science and Management Planning reiterated the pressing need for a design and implementation of population-level fishery-independent survey to obtain size-structured abundance data for bottomfish, and to aggressively pursue development of length-based assessment models. This goal of this technical report was to improve stock assessments through optimal design and implementation of a bottomfish fishery-independent survey for the Deep-7 bottomfish complex in the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) with three primary objectives: 1. Evaluate the most effective survey gears for obtaining species-specific spatial size structured abundance metrics of the Hawaiian bottomfish stock; 2. Conduct quantitative gears intercalibration studies to determine the relative fishing power of the multiple gears to be used in the survey; 3. Detail the required methodologies for efficient conduct of a multi-gear fishery-independent Survey of the MHI bottomfish stocks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE