Managing the Configuration of 6—35 kV Electrical Distribution Networks

Autor: Yevgeny R. Pnev, Vladimir Yu. Vukolov, Llc «Al’tair», Anton A. Kolesnikov, Boris V. Papkov, Jsc «Ase»
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Elektrichestvo. 2:10-17
ISSN: 2411-1333
DOI: 10.24160/0013-5380-2019-2-10-17
Popis: In the majority of territorial network utilities (TNUs), efforts aimed at optimizing the configuration of their 6/10—35 kV networks are only taken if failures occur in their individual components participating in power transmission processes under normal steady-state operating conditions. The legislation that is currently in force in the tariff setting field excludes almost completely the possibility of taking into account power losses as the main factor in determining circuit disconnection places in the normal mode of distribution network operation. It should also be noted that the optimal open-loop configurations of a 6—35 kV electric network are in the general case different for different reliability indicators. Thus, there is a need to develop a universal approach to determining the distribution network configuration that would be the most efficient one for both the TNU and end consumers with taking different factors into account. The suggested algorithm for managing the configuration of 6—35 kV electric networks developed based on the Saati hierarchy analysis method opens the possibility of making multicriterion-based decisions on selecting the optimal disconnection places.
Databáze: OpenAIRE