Eğitim Kurumu Binalarında Akıllı Aydınlatma Kontrol Sistemleriyle Gün Işığını Yönlendiren Sistemlerin İncelenmesi

Autor: Erkan Erdem
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences. 8:1-19
ISSN: 2149-178X
Popis: In this study, intelligent lighting control systems and daylight directing systems within the framework of methods that maximize daylight in educational institution buildings were examined. The effective use of innovative, advanced daylight and intelligent lighting systems that improve the use of daylight in its function in lighting has been explained. In this context, motods that maximize the effective use of daylight by using intelligent lighting control systems in sustainable educational institution buildings have been examined in parallel with innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives. In this way, this study is aimed to provide a better understanding of intelligent lighting systems and to be a source to help determine the basic concepts and design criteria related to the systems. Key Words: Anidolic System, Prismatic Panel, Laser Cutting Panel, Holographic Optics
Databáze: OpenAIRE