New Model to Calculate Blast Loading on Above and Underground Structures

Autor: Hassan M. Farag
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 974:012007
ISSN: 1757-899X
Popis: Blast loading is a type of extraordinary dynamic load to which structures or any object may be exposed to. The load resulted on structures or any targets from explosion is a complicated task to do. This paper presents an accurate and so simple model and program “ BLAST ” to predict the blast or shock wave resulted from the explosion that termed “Over Pressure” which comes from conventional and non-conventional weapons (such as Nuclear weapons). The pressure from the mass of air flow at and behind the shock front that termed the “Dynamic Pressure” is also predicted. The loads on any structure or target from the explosion are combination of overpressure Ps(t) and dynamic pressure Pd(t), this dynamic load on different faces of a structure either above or under the ground is predicted and presented in this paper. The over pressures resulted from different charges or weapon yields that are calculated in this study are compared to those obtained from “ConWep”. The load on structures predicted by the present study is also compared to that obtained from “AUTODYN” software. A study is performed to investigate the effect of depth of burial on the load affecting the different faces of the buried structure.
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