Vacuum-sealed field emission electron gun

Autor: Christian Prommesberger, Rupert Schreiner, Christoph Langer, Andreas Pahlke, Robert Ławrowski, Florian Dams, Natuski Miyakawa, Simon Edler, Michael Bachmann, Lukas Bergbreiter, Florian Herdl, Felix Düsberg, Tobias Eggert, Matthias Hausladen
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 38:023203
ISSN: 2166-2754
Popis: A compact vacuum-sealed field emission electron gun with an operation voltage below 5 kV is presented. With a 150 nm thick pyrolytic carbon membrane, a transmission of 40% at 5 kV is obtained. For more than 2500 h of continuous operation at an emission current of 100 nA, no significant increase ( < 50 V) and almost no degradation were found. From this measurement, a lifetime of more than 10 000 h at continuous operation with approximately a linear increase of the extraction voltage from about 545 V to about 730 V is predicted. This electron source enables application of field emitter arrays in poor vacuum or even ambient pressure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE