Digital Economy In Accordance With The Principles Of Environmental Engineering

Autor: Olga Goncharenko, Olga Akupiyan, Natalya I. Chovgan, Roman Kapinos, Dmitriy Kravchenko
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
ISSN: 2357-1330
Popis: The article deals with the formation of digital technologies in the country, the use of information technologies in the activities of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the application of the principles of environmental engineering. Digitalization is the most important factor in the intensification of agricultural production in any region. At the same time, digitalization is a basic factor in the development of environmentally friendly types of production, and informatization allows even non-profit enterprises to function effectively in the conditions of subsidized regions. However, in the modern agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, digitalization is most widely implemented in large agricultural enterprises of the regions. Thus, a special legislative framework is needed that would allow purposefully financing small enterprises in the first place, making them more competitive through digitalization. However, digitalization not only optimizes risks in regional agricultural enterprises, but also often creates new ones. In order to minimize the new risks associated with the digitalization of regional agricultural enterprises, it is necessary, along with innovations, to ensure the preservation of traditional methods and methods of work, as well as a high level of training and retraining of personnel.
Databáze: OpenAIRE