Efficient Lossy Audio Compression Using Vector Quantization (ELAC-VQ)

Autor: Vinayak Jagtap, J. Sasi Kiran, K. Srujan Raju, M. V. Rathnamma
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ISBN: 9789811553998
Popis: Compression is the technique for effective utilization of space in servers as well as in personal computers. Most significantly, being multimedia compression. In this paper, the focus is on the audio compression method. Audio compression method has two types: lossy and lossless compression. Vector quantization is an effective way of lossy compression technique. The important tasks in vector quantization are codebook generation and searching. Simple Codebook generation algorithm is used which enhances the compression process. The proposed method is Efficient Lossy Audio Compression using vector quantization (ELAC-VQ). A centroid-based compression reduces the operation of the comparison with the codebook and helps to improve the performance. At the time of decompression is simple to audio compression. The experimental results show that ELAC-VQ approach reduces the computational complexity, increases the compression percentage and speeds up the vector quantization process. The universal codebook generation is the key which will reduce the overhead of vector finding. These can be preprocessed to reduce runtime processing in compression. To achieve better results as well as for validation, clustering is used for generalized codebook generation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE