Sizable magnetic entropy change in bismuth-substituted La0.75Bi0.1Na0.15MnO3 manganite

Autor: Lozil Denzil Mendonca, M. S. Murari, Mamatha D Daivajna
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24:13171-13188
ISSN: 1463-9084
Popis: The sample La0.75Bi0.1Na0.15MnO3 exhibits large ΔSMaxm of 4.4 J kg−1 K−1 near room temperature (RT) at low field of 1.5 T (LF). The coexistence of long and short-range interactions leading to first order like phase transition is responsible for LFRT magnetic entropy change.
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