795: First trimester dysregulation of single carbon metabolism and prediction of preeclampsia

Autor: Ray O. Bahado-Singh, Kypros H. Nicolaides, Rita Zafra, Eliisa Loyttyniemi, Ranjit Akolekar
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 206:S350
ISSN: 0002-9378
DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2011.10.813
Popis: eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and normotensive controls. Patients with preeclampsia had significantly higher proteinuria (2.9 / 2.1 grams/24 hours) than either those with HELLP syndrome (0.29 / 0.93 grams/24 hours), or normotensive controls (0.10 / 0.06 grams/24 hours). The degree of podocyturia was higher in patients with preeclampsia (160 / 87 cells/mg creatinine) than in those with either normotensive pregnancies (22 / 20, p 0.02) or HELLP syndrome (21.5 / 8.6, p 0.02); no difference was observed between normotensive vs. HELLP pregnancies (p 0.5). There was a positive correlation between the degree of proteinuria and podocyturia, for the group as a whole (r 0.85, p 0.001). CONCLUSION: Flow cytometry may facilitate the use of podocyturia for both clinical and research purposes. The absence of podocyturia in patients with HELLP syndrome, with either absent or minimal proteinuria, further supports its distinct pathophysiology with respect to preeclampsia.
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