An Arctic Lens for American Migration

Autor: Dennis H. O’Rourke, Justin Tackney, Lauren Norman
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The timing and mode of arrival of the first people in the Western Hemisphere have consumed scholars and the general public for centuries. Increasingly, molecular genetic data have become a common metric by which we reconstruct past events, while archaeology provides the “ground truth” of population history and migration scenarios. As more genomic data have become available, the genetic and archaeological records have become increasingly discordant, particularly with respect to the timing of population migrations and dispersals. Recent work in population genetics suggests that undersampling of genomes and use of genomes from populations with nonstable population histories may lead to estimation errors in the timing of population origins, source population sizes, and other population genetic parameters, likely increasing the discordance between the genetic and archaeological records. However, new archaeological and paleoecological evidence of human presence in northern North America during the Last Glacial Maximum holds promise to bring these disparate records of human history into closer concordance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE