Development program for a 200 kW, CW, 28 GHz gyroklystron. Final report, April 1976-September 1980

Autor: S. Hegji, J. Shively, C. Conner, E. Galli, S. Evans, F. Kinney, F. Friedlander, K. Miller, H. Jory, A.D. LaRue
Rok vydání: 1980
DOI: 10.2172/5641388
Popis: The objective of this program was to develop a microwave amplifier or oscillator capable of producing 200 kW, CW power output at 28 GHz. The use of the gyrotron or cyclotron resonance interaction was pursued. A room temperature hollow core solenoid magnet with an iron case was designed to produce the magnetic field required for electron cyclotron resonance. Three pulsed gyroklystron amplifiers were built providing increasing stable output powers of 6, 65 and 76 kW. A back-up pulsed gyrotron oscillator produced 248 kW. A ceramic cone broadband water load was developed. Tests are described for the various tubes that were developed.
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