Birth of Dopamine: A Cinderella Saga

Autor: A. Carlsson
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Dopamine in the CNS I ISBN: 9783642627262
Popis: The history of dopamine goes back to the early part of the previous century. This compound was synthesized by Waser and Sommer (1923). Its physiological significance became evident through the discovery of dopa decarboxylase in mammalian tissue by Holtz et al. (1938) and through its identification as a normal urinary constituent (Holtz et al. 1942). In 1939 it was proposed to be an intermediate in the biosynthesis of adrenaline (Blaschko et al. 1957). However, in certain tissues, including adrenergic nerves, dopamine was found to occur in amounts exceeding those to be expected from a catecholamine precursor (Schumann 1956; Euler and Lishajko 1957). Thus Euler and Lishajko (1957) and Blaschko (1957) speculated on some additional function of dopamine, besides being a precursor. However, the possible nonprecursor function of dopamine in peripheral tissues seemed to be unrelated to neurotransmission, because its occurrence in greater than precursor amounts seemed to be limited to ruminants, and in ruminant tissues it correlated strongly to the occurrence of mast cells (Bertler et al. 1959). What function dopamine might serve in the mast cells of ruminants remained completely unknown. Speculations about an independent role of dopamine had thus ended up in a blind alley.
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