Our Roots Run Deep: The Psychological Significance of Perceived Shared Ancestry in Social Behavior - Pilot Study n°2

Autor: Safra, Lou, Baumard, Nicolas, Sijilmassi, Amine
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/wyb6c
Popis: On February 22nd 2023, we ran a first pilot experiment to test the validity of a 6 vignettes that we intend to use in a research project on the effect of perceived shared ancestry on social perception. More information about the overall research project, and more specifically, on the first pilot experiment, are available on the OSF pre-registration project through this link: https://osf.io/ab5c4/. A short report describing the results of this study is attached to this pre-registration. Our previous study validated our “Cultural homogeneity” vignettes, but failed to validate our “Shared ancestry” vignettes. For this reason, we decided to re-design the latter. This second study tests the validity of these new vignettes, in the same way as in the initial pilot study (see https://osf.io/ab5c4/) .
Databáze: OpenAIRE