Performance and profitability of second-cycle laying hens as influenced by body weight and body weight reduction during molt

Autor: M. M. Bryant, R. Gordon, David A. Roland
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 18:223-231
ISSN: 1056-6171
DOI: 10.3382/japr.2008-00014
Popis: An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of hen BW before molt and the percentage of BW loss during molt on the subsequent performance and profitability of hens during the second cycle of production. Results revealed that profits associated with Light hens (≤ 1,453 g, or 3.2 lb) were from 1.8¢ to 3.8¢/dozen eggs higher than those associated with Heavy hens (≥ 1,589 g, or 3.5 lb). Profits of Nonselected hens (ranging from 1,090 to 2,134 g, or 2.4 to 4.7 lb) were intermediate, ranging from 1.2¢ to 2.5¢/dozen higher than profits of Heavy hens. The increased profitability of Light hens was largely due to their improved feed conversion. Because Light hens produced predominantly Large and Extra Large eggs, the price spread between Medium and Large eggs had little impact on profits. Although not as pronounced as the effect of premolt BW, profits associated with Heavy hens that underwent a 35% reduction in BW during molt were from 0.8¢ to 1.5¢/dozen higher than those from Heavy hens with a 25% BW reduction. Reducing the BW of Light hens by 35% had no observable adverse effects in this study.
Databáze: OpenAIRE