Azimuthal directivity of fan tones containing multiple modes

Autor: Laurence Heidelberg, Daniel Sutliff, M. Nallasamy
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.1997-1587
Popis: The directivity of fan tone noise is generally measured and plotted in the sideline or flyover plane and it is assumed that this curve is the same for all azimuthal angles. When two or more circumferential (m-order) modes of the same tone are present in the fan duct, an interference pattern develops in the azimuthal direction both in the duct and in the farfield. In this investigation two m-order modes of similar power were generated in a large low speed fan. Farfield measurements and a finite element propagation code both show substantial variations in the azimuthal direction. Induct mode measurement were made and used as input to the code. Although these tests may represent a worst case scenario, the validity of the current practice of assuming axisymmetry should be questioned.
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