Attenuation of Mechanical Vibration During Transmission to Human Body Through Mining Vehicle Seats

Autor: Bibhuti B Mandal, Amit Sharma
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. 38:1449-1461
ISSN: 2524-3470
Popis: Operators of mining vehicles are exposed to high levels of whole-body vibration (WBV) and are therefore at risk of developing vibration-related health disorders. For implementing an effective control strategy, it is imperative to locate the source(s) of vibration, and the specific changes that might occur to the vibration signals during its transmission through the seats to the recipient human body. With this objective, Seat Effective Amplitude Transmissibility (SEAT) values of seat modules used in dumpers (n = 10) and other heavy earth-moving machines (n = 11) were evaluated in an iron ore mine. Vibration was measured simultaneously on the seat and on the cabin floor beneath the seat using tri-axial and uni-axial accelerometers. The study aims at determining the quality of seat modules of the transport and non-transport vehicles from the perspective of their natural resonance frequencies and capability of any such seat in reducing harmful vibration. The highest acceleration values were observed in the z-axis for all the dumpers. SEATrms values ranged from 78 to 133% and SEATvdv values ranged from 72 to 130% for the dumpers. For other HEMMs, SEATrms values ranged from 55 to 125% and SEATvdv values ranged from 56 to 123%. Mechanical vibration contains multiple frequency components. To understand the changes taking place to the different signals at these frequencies, 1/3 octave band analysis was carried out for the signals recorded both on the seat and the floor. There was significant attenuation (38 to 57%) at 4 Hz for three Dumper seats, whereas they resonated in the range of 1.6–2.5 Hz. The transmissibility(%) in the resonating frequencies ranged from 108 to 156%. Resonance frequencies for the remaining seven dumpers ranged from 3 to 8 Hz. The spine has been reported to resonate at 4 Hz, whereas resonance at 1.6 Hz has little significance to human beings in regard to WBV of a seated person. Hence, the characteristic resonant frequency of 4 Hz of seats as observed in the present study has the potential of causing adverse impacts on spinal health. Evaluation of SEAT factors and resonance characteristics of seats are therefore recommended to be examined while selecting a mining vehicle for regular deployment in mines.
Databáze: OpenAIRE