Knowledge Management in Organizations: The State of Current Practice

Autor: James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Handbook on Knowledge Management ISBN: 9783540200192
Popis: Knowledge management (KM) is currently in favor in organizations. As a result, today many companies are struggling to figure out just what KM means for them and their future. They are asking themselves such questions as, what is the value of knowledge? how can we best tap into company knowledge? what is the right form of KM for our organization? To begin to learn about what is actually being done with KM in organizations and to discover some of the issues knowledge managers are wrestling with today, the Queen’s Management Research Centre for Knowledge-Based Enterprises convened a Knowledge Management Forum of over twenty-five practitioners from a variety of North American companies. They described the state of KM in their organizations and discussed how they would like it to develop. This chapter presents an analysis and summary of this forum. It looks first at the variety of ways in which companies are approaching KM today, including: customer relationship management, continuous process improvement, communities of practice, and creating knowledge products. This diversity of approaches demonstrates how broadly and deeply KM is reaching into organizations. A second section examines the KM function itself — what it does and how it goes about doing it. A third documents experienced knowledge managers’ recommendations to others seeking to optimize the impact of KM in their own companies. We conclude that organizations are experimenting widely with KM and, as a result, the function is highly variable and rapidly changing.
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