Corrigendum to: Combined Therapy with Probiotic VSL#3 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Attenuates Colonic Injury and Inflammation in Chronic DNBS-induced Colitis in Mice

Autor: Havvanur Yoldas Ilktac, Gul Kiziltan, Asli Devrim Lanpir, Mehmet Ozansoy, Mehmet Y. Gunal, Sine Ozmen Togay, Ilknur Keskin, Ekrem M. Ozdemir, Ulkan Kilic
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Folia Biologica. 70:43-43
ISSN: 0015-5497
Popis: We published the abovementioned article about probiotic mixture VSL#3 on October 6, 2021. Since the product was named VSL#3 in our purchasing process in early 2016, it is referred to as VSL#3 in our article. In addition, the product currently known as VSL#3 is not the same as De Simone Formulation. De Simone Formulation is now available as Visbiome® in the United States and Vivomixx® in Europe. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused
Databáze: OpenAIRE