The role of environmental heterogeneity on lizard assemblages along Cyprus riverbanks

Autor: Elena Erotokritou, Christos Mammides, Ioannis Vogiatzakis N., Spyros Sfenthourakis
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Despite global efforts to halt biodiversity loss, it continues to decline due to a combination of unsustainable actions, increasing the urgency for measures to reverse this trend. A major constraint regarding efficient biodiversity management is the lack of knowledge on most species' population size and abundance patterns. Reptiles are used in ecological research as model organisms due to their ease in handling, and their diversity in behaviour and ecology. Reptile diversity of Cyprus is high and includes several endemic species. The aim of this study was to compare lizard diversity patterns along riverbanks within and around designated protected areas. Riparian habitats have received less attention in conservation-oriented studies in Mediterranean regions, despite their ecological significance and the distinct communities they host, or their vulnerability to climate change. The role of environmental factors, seasonality, and habitat heterogeneity for lizard assemblages in riparian areas was evaluated along three rivers that flow inside and outside protected areas. The abundances of the four more common species (Ophisops elegans, Phoenicolacerta troodica, Laudakia cypriaca, and Acanthodactylus schreiberi) were evaluated separately. We recorded most of Cyprus’ lizard species in riparian habitats, but diversity and richness were not associated with any of the explanatory variables. The abundances of the four species exhibited different relationships each with elevation, season, and protection status, but not with habitat heterogeneity. The latter could be related to the fact that riparian habitat heterogeneity patterns are very similar throughout the study sites. Our results suggest that Cyprus’ lizard diversity and riparian habitats have not been considered much in the design of protected areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE