Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the benefits of unitization on associative memory in young and older adults

Autor: Carpenter, Catherine, Becker, Alexa, Levy, Adam, Dennis, Nancy, Overman, Amy
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/hyztp
Popis: Associative memory, or the ability to link together multiple pieces of information, is especially vulnerable to aging. Associative memory is central to everyday memory function, supporting everything from our ability to remember face-name associations to links between medicines and their daily dosages. As such, there is an urgent need to identify methods that can improve associative memory in older adults. The current study aims to examine the neural basis of visual unitization using the Gestalt principle of proximity in both younger and older adults. Specifically, analysis of the encoding data will allow us to characterize the neural basis of unitization in aging, addressing the critical question of whether unitized pairs are represented as an unrelated item-item association or a single ensemble. Analysis of the retrieval data from this study will also allow us to address whether encoding-congruent configurations are necessary at retrieval to take full advantage of encoding-based unitization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE