Sweet Sorghum Raw Material Production on Reclaimed Lands

Autor: V. L. Hamandii, Nadiia Martynova, Mykhailo Babenko, O. O. Mytsyk, V. I. Kozechko, Mykola Kharytonov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Agrology. 4:77-84
ISSN: 2617-6114
DOI: 10.32819/021010
Popis: Bioenergetic characteristics of quantitative and qualitative properties of sweet sorghumhybrids are provided on the basis of a comprehensive study under conditions of cultivationon reclaimed lands. The results of studying the growth and yield characteristics of hybrids ofdomestic and American selection during four years from 2016 to 2019 under the conditions of thePokrov educational and scientific station of land reclamation DSAEU are presented. The height ofthe crop stands varied from 235.3 to 300.0 cm when growing sweet sorghum on various substratesof mining formations. The lowest yield of green biomass was observed mainly on gray-green clay(38.1 t/ha), and the highest – on loess-like loam (101.0 t/ha). Fertililizing with nitrogen fertilizerand biohumate by fertigation helped to strengthen vertical growth, increase the yield of greenbiomass and sweet sorghum grains. The greatest effect was obtained for American hybrids. ForUkrainian hybrids, the application of nitrogen fertilizers had a positive effect on black soil andloess-like loam while the effect of biohumate was noticed only on loess-like loam. Long-termresearch of the sweet sorghum hybrids allowed us to evaluate the studied objects by the level ofpossible production of green biomass and theoretical bioethanol. Ukrainian hybrids Medove andZubr using allow to produce on marginal lands from 3600 to 4250 l/ha of ethanol. The potential ofAmerican hybrids SS506 and Mohawk is slightly lower – 3150–3400 l/ha. Fertigation with nitrogenfertilizer increases the yield of theoretical ethanol from 27% to 68%, irrigation and additionof biohumate – from 15% to 36%
Databáze: OpenAIRE