Estimating the Performance of Free Space Optical Link Under Adverse Weather Conditions by Using Various Models

Autor: M. Venkata Narayana, Sarat K. Kotamraju, A. Sree Madhuri, Govardhani Immadi
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Wireless Personal Communications. 103:1603-1613
ISSN: 1572-834X
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-018-5870-7
Popis: Free space optics (FSO), going to replace the present microwave communications in the future is gaining considerable attention as it supplies fruitful solutions to many complications like the last mile problem. Besides availing many advantages like high bandwidth, data rate, low bit error rate any communication system operating in free space undergoes a significant amount of degradation in its signal strength due to the atmospheric affects in its pathway. Similarly, an optical signal launched into free space will also interfere with its surroundings and may get impaired due to the presence of different climatic conditions like rain, fog, haze, snow, gas molecules etc. As FSO is a perfect line of sight communication it may also undergo the problems of outage due to obstructions (birds, base motion), scattering, beam dispersion etc. Precise prediction of the impairments (atmospheric affects) can result in an efficient and flawless communication system. Supporting the research on free space optics this paper mainly focuses on the performance analysis of free space optical link in the presence of rain considering the parameters like received optical power its corresponding electrical power, quality factor. The analysis was extracted with the help of simulation using Opti System software developed by Optiwave.
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