Study of the Spectral Features of the Intensity and Kinetics of the Red Cathodoluminescence of Cinnabar

Autor: J. P. Aicardi, M. Egée, G. Massé
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Physica Status Solidi (a). 32:701-709
ISSN: 1521-396X
Popis: Among other emissions, the natural cinnabar presents, under cathodic excitation, a broad red band. Examining the spectral properties of the emitted intensity and of the radiative recombination probability between 4.2 and 300 K, an attempt is made to elucidate its mechanism of formation. The analysis of spectral modifications (shape, half-width, peak energy, intensity) according to the temperature leads to a diagram of transitions between at least two vibro-electronical states (one excited and one fundamental) of a same centre, the fundamental state being situated at about 300 meV above the valence band. The shape of the spectral distribution of life time is only compatible with the existence of a band at the origin of transitions and a model of centre is suggested possessing an excited band and submitted to an important vibrational coupling of the lattice. Entre autres emissions, le cinabre naturel, presente sous excitation cathodique, une large bande rouge. En examinant entre 4,2 et 300 K, les proprietes spectrales de l'intensite emise et de la probabilite de recombinaison radiative, nous avons tente d'elucider son mecanisme de formation. L'analyse des modifications spectrales (forme, largeur a mi-hauteur, position, intensite) en fonction de la temperature conduit a un schema de transitions entre au moins deux etats vibro electroniques (un excite et un fondamental) d'un měme centre, l'etat fondamental etant situe a environ 300 meV au-dessus de la bande de valence. La forme de la distribution spectrale de duree de vie etant seulement compatible avec l'existence d'une bande d'etats a l'origine des transitions, nous avons retenu un modele de centre possedant une bande d'etats excites, et soumis a un couplage vibrationnel important du reseau.
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