Autor: Hatice Gül ÖNder
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 20:1341-1357
ISSN: 1304-0278
Popis: It is inevitable that industrial revolutions, as in every period, affect the land, soil, structure and related environment. While the technological developments in the world are changing with an increasing momentum day by day, it cannot be considered that the real estate sector is not affected by the changing world order, as seen in many sectors affected by technology. In an environment that is influenced by Industry 4.0, it will be inevitable to benefit from the blessings of technology in the real estate sector. Real estate may have the quality to represent basically all kinds of objects owned by the earth. However, there are elements within the limited definition of real estate in the world and Turkey and these elements are primarily affected by the physical properties of most technological developments and steps into the digital world is to comply with these characteristics. In this study, the transformation of Real Estate 4.0, which is an important reflection of Industry 4.0 in the real estate sector, and the digitalization in the field of real estate management, with the development in real estate technology is revealed. A different real estate management vision is created, which is interpreted from the basic components of Real Estate 4.0, its general features, the futuristic perspective that they add to the city and people and the future of Real Estate 4.0. In the study, with the COVID-19 pandemic, which is on the world agenda, the measures in the real estate sector are also mentioned, and the defense mechanism developed by the real estate sector with the support of technology is revealed against global changes. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Endustri devrimlerinin, her donemde oldugu gibi araziyi, topragi, yapiyi ve buna iliskin cevreyi etkilemesi kacinilmazdir. Dunyada teknolojik gelismeler gun gectikce artan bir ivmeyle degiskenlik gosterirken, teknolojinin etkisindeki bircok sektorde goruldugu gibi, gayrimenkul sektorunun de degisen dunya duzeninin etkisinde kalmamasi dusunulemez. Endustri 4.0'in etkisinde olan ve gunumuzde Endustri 5.0'a yonelik goruslerin havada ucustugu bir ortamda, gayrimenkul alaninda da teknolojinin nimetlerinden faydalanilmasi kacinilmaz olacaktir. Dunyada ve Turkiye'de gayrimenkul tanimina giren kisitli unsurlar vardir. Bu unsurlar teknolojik gelismelerden en fazla fiziksel ozellikleriyle etkilenmekte ve dijital dunyanin adimlarina oncelikle bu ozellikleriyle uyum saglamaktadir. Bu calismada, Endustri 4.0'in emlak sektorundeki onemli bir yansimasi olan Gayrimenkul 4.0 ve emlak yonetimi alanindaki dijitallesmenin, gayrimenkul teknolojisindeki gelisimle birlikte gostermis oldugu donusum ortaya koyulmaktadir. Gayrimenkul 4.0'in temel bilesenleri, genel ozellikleri, kente ve insana kattiklari ve Gayrimenkul 4.0'in gelecegine iliskin futurist bakis acisiyla yorumlanan, farkli bir emlak yonetimi vizyonu olusturulmaktadir. Calismada, dunya gundeminde yer teskil eden COVID-19 Pandemisi ile birlikte gayrimenkul sektorundeki tedbirlerden de bahsedilerek, kuresel degisimlere karsi, teknolojinin de destegiyle gayrimenkul sektorunun gelistirdigi savunma mekanizmasi ortaya koyulmaktadir. (Turkish) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Electronic Journal of Social Sciences is the property of Electronic Journal of Social Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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