Pengaruh Gulma Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) pada Berbagai Densitas terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L). Merill)

Autor: Willy Anistia, Ainun Marliah, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian. 7:1128-1133
ISSN: 2614-6053
DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v7i4.22411
Popis: Kehilangan hasil tanaman kedelai akibat persaingan dengan gulma ditentukan oleh densitas gulma. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh kerapatan gulma babadotan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam, Banda Aceh sejak bulan Oktober 2021 sampai dengan Januari 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola non-faktorial dengan 6 perlakuan densitas gulma babadotan yaitu D0 = 0 tanpa gulma, D1 = 2 gulma per tanaman, D2 = 4 gulma per tanaman, D3 = 6 gulma per tanaman, D4 = 8 gulma per tanaman, D5 = 10 gulma per tanaman. Peubah yang diamati meliputi laju tinggi tanaman dan bobot brangkasan kering tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa densitas gulma babadotan tidak berpengaruh terhadap laju tinggi tanaman dan bobot brangkasan kedelai. The effect of billygoat weed (Ageratum conyzoides L.) at various densities on the growth of soybean (Glycine max (L). Merill)Abstract. Soybean yield loss due to competition with weeds is determined by weed density. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of babadotan weed density on the growth and yield of soybeans. This research has been carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh from October 2021 to January 2022. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a non-factorial pattern with 6 treatments of babadotan weed density, namely D0 = 0 without weeds, D1 = 2 weeds per plant, D2 = 4 weeds per plant, D3 = 6 weeds per plant, D4 = 8 weeds per plant, D5 = 10 weeds per plant. The observed variables included plant height rate and plant stover weight. The results showed that the density of babadotan weeds had no effect on plant height and weight of soybean stover.
Databáze: OpenAIRE