The first fabrication of n- and p-type Ga0.49In0.51P/Ga(In)As lattice matched and strained HIGFET structures grown by MOCVD

Autor: Dimitris Pavlidis, Y J Chan, P. Maurel, Manijeh Razeghi, Philippe Bove, M. Defour, Franck Omnes
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Semiconductor Science and Technology. 5:274-277
ISSN: 1361-6641
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/5/3/016
Popis: The authors report the first fabrication of Ga0.49In0.51P/GaxIn1-xAs n- and p-type lattice matched (x=1) and strained (x-0.85) heterostructure insulated gate field effect transistor (HIGFET) grown by low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (LP MOCVD). The growth conditions of Ga0.49In0.51P have been optimised to produce a high-purity insulator material. The n-type devices show good pinch-off characteristics, with a small variation of threshold voltage with temperature consecutive to the low trap density in that system. High transconductance values have been obtained on p-type devices, due to the large valence band discontinuity between GaAs and Ga0.49In0.51P.
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