Review of 'Theoretical Nuclear Physics'

Autor: Eugene P. Wigner, Victor F. Weisskopf, J. M. Blatt
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Historical and Biographical Reflections and Syntheses ISBN: 9783642081804
Popis: It is rarely the privilege of a reviewer to be able to praise a book as unreservedly as he can praise Blatt and Weisskopf’s Theoretical Nuclear Physics. This treatise represents the synthesis and critical evaluation of a vast literature — the bibliography at the end of the book contains more than 1000 entries — and a number of original contributions. It is divided into fourteen chapters. The first chapter is introductory in nature and reviews the material with which the reader should be familiar before studying the book; it serves chiefly to define terms and to fix the notation. The following three chapters deal with the nature of nuclear forces and with the two body problems. They include the theory of the deuteron and of the scattering of neutrons and of protons by protons. Chapters V to VII deal with the problem of stationary states of nuclei (excepting the deuteron); Chapters VIII to X with nuclear dynamics, that is, nuclear reactions. The classical problems of nuclear physics, that is, α, β, and γ disintegration, are dealt with in Chapters XI to XIII. The last chapter returns to nuclear static and gives a brief review of the shell model.
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