Dynamic Stable Supplier Coalitions and Invariance in Assembly Systems with Commodity Components

Autor: Greys Sosic, Mahesh Nagarajan, Chunyang Tong
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Operations Research. 67:1269-1282
ISSN: 1526-5463
DOI: 10.1287/opre.2018.1806
Popis: Assembly systems are composed of suppliers selling components to an assembler, who configures a final product for sale to the market. This is commonplace in many supply chains, such as healthcare and automobiles for example. Suppliers in such systems often form coalitions to enhance their bargaining power as well as for economies of scale. In the paper titled “Dynamic Stable Supplier Coalitions and Invariance in Assembly Systems with Commodity Components,” the authors show some interesting findings—how payoff allocation among coalition members can affect outcomes and when such outcomes are robust to allocation rules.
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